Welcome to Char's Custom Wig Creations. I'm happy you stopped to visit our site. We strive to provide the most beautiful and unique styles to women from all walks of life. How it all started... I started doing hair over 25 years ago, but it truly began for me as a little girl. I had a desire and love for hairstyling at a very young age. I was very detailed and talented from the age of 5. I would do my own hair as well as my sisters from the age of 7 years old, adding extensions, braids and ponytails. As I gotten older, I went on to attend cosmetology and further my skill and talent. A lot of my clients suffered from hair loss from cancer and alopecia and or traction hairloss, which is why I went into wig making. I wanted to service beautiful women and provide a selection of wigs that suited any woman, for any reason. No matter their circumstances, my creations of wigs are made to add to a woman's beauty in which they already possess. Long story short, hair and wig making is one of my love languages. My hands are anointed and blessed by God, in whom I thank for giving me the talent and opportunity to make others happy and feel beautiful even more!! Thank you for stopping by and I hope to be a source for your beauty needs.